Where to start

If you are new to learning German, herzlich willkommen! Welcome! You should start in German 101, which we offer each fall term.
All incoming students who have previously studied German in high school or elsewhere must take the College’s placement test in German. This is a diagnostic tool that helps us determine whether you should start in German 101, 102, 201, or a higher level. The pace of college courses is often quite different from high school courses, so one quarter at K may be the equivalent of a year or more of high school study, depending on the program. Students will receive an email about placement exams from admissions. We are also happy to meet with you if you are unsure about which level would be best for you.
Those students who wish to receive credit for German courses that they have taken at another college or university before enrolling at Kalamazoo College must take the German language placement test and test into a higher-level course than the one for which they are seeking credit. Any appeal of the placement test results should be directed to a faculty member in the Department of German Studies.