TAs and DSA

Teaching Assistants (TAs)

Celina Haase

Celina Haase

Hi Everyone!

My name is Celina, I am 21 years old, and for the upcoming year, I will be a German Teaching Assistant at Kalamazoo College. In Germany, I am pursuing majors in both Psychology and Law in the charming city of Lüneburg. Music and Dance hold a special place in my heart, and I’ve had the incredible opportunity to take part in several musical productions. Additionally, I have a deep passion for languages and exploring new cultures through travel, which is why I can’t wait to see what life as a TA will look like.

I’m looking forward to meeting you all very soon! Bis Bald 🙂

Marvin Ernst

Marvin Ernst

My name is Marvin, and I’m a 22-year-old undergraduate student at the University of Potsdam, located right next to Berlin. I’m currently in my fourth semester of studying economics.  Hailing from Freiburg, a charming mid-sized town nestled within the heart of the Black Forest region in Southern Germany, I am eager to share elements of my culture and heritage with the K-community. At the age of 10, I made my first visit to the United States, and ever since, I have consistently returned. I’m thrilled about my upcoming role as a teaching assistant. My background includes instructing various economics courses, but my passion for teaching actually took root when I was 16 and spent a year in Texas. During that time, I assisted a high school teacher in a German class. Beyond my academic pursuits, my passions extend to politics, the arts, and history. In my leisure hours, you’ll find me engrossed in reading, experimenting in the culinary realm, and engaging in diverse sports such as volleyball and martial arts.

Anticipation is building for my time in Kalamazoo! I can’t wait to meet all of you soon!

Kristian Strljic

Moin moin!
My name is Kristian, I am a 20-year-old student living in Erlangen, Bavaria. I am currently studying Math and English in my fourth semester to become a high school teacher. Having a lot of experience in tutoring students and a strong passion for teaching, I am thrilled to be one of the German Teaching Assistants at Kalamazoo College this year!
I love gaming and being part of the esports community, not only as a competitor but also as an event organizer – I have organized esports events of 100+ attendees in Nuremberg! I also love singing, listening to music, and occasionally binge-watching whole shows on Netflix within days.
My family and all my relatives are originally from Croatia (as you can probably tell by my not-very-German last name), so I’m used to travelling across countries for visits. However, crossing the Atlantic Ocean and living in the US for a year is indeed a very new and very exciting experience for me! I’m looking forward to getting to know the US culture and hope to meet many many nice people during my time here!
See you soon!

Departmental Student Advisor (DSA)

Alex Nam

Alex Nam ’25 in Regensburg, Germany

Hello everyone! My name is Alex Nam and I’m the German Department DSA for the 2024-25 school year. I’m originally from Louisiana, but I now consider Michigan my home (albeit, a very newly christened Michigander; my lifetime Euchre record is 1-6). I had the pleasure of studying abroad in Erlangen last year alongside a wonderful cohort of friends. Alongside the German Department, I have been teacher/tutor for the past three years and I would love to continue teaching abroad after graduation. Outside of the classroom, you can find me reading, cooking, listening to music, or stressfully typing away in the library reading room. Although you may see me walk around with my headphones in around campus, I am always available to chat! Please stop me for a quick Unterhaltung if you have any questions about the department, studying abroad, Karl Marx, or if you just want someone to practice your German with.

Student Assistant

Emilia Kelly

Hallo zusammen! I’m Emilia Kelly, and I’ll be the student assistant for the German department this year. I’m a sophomore German Studies major who plans on becoming a librarian, and I can’t wait to spend junior year in Erlangen! I am very interested in German literature, as well as classical music. Aside from studying German, I also enjoy singing with the Kalamadudes, writing short stories, and drawing.