Major or Minor in German!
German Major: 8 units
German Minor: 6 units
Please talk to a faculty member for a helpful overview of major or minor requirements.
Requirements for the Major in German Studies
Number of Units
Eight units are required, not including GERM 101,102, or 201 (the eight may include the SIP). One English-language cognate taught in German Studies may be counted, e.g. GERM 200. No more than two of these units may be earned during study abroad. Courses from study abroad may replace required courses in consultation with a faculty member. For students on long-term study abroad, please consult with faculty, as three units may be counted in some cases.
Required Courses
- GERM 203 Advanced German I: Germany Today
- GERM 204 Advanced German II: German Stories and Histories
- GERM 301 Introduction to German Cultural Studies: Reading Texts and Contexts
- GERM 470 or GERM 460
- GERM 490 Senior Seminar
Three courses above 201, two of which must be at the 400-level. Courses from study abroad may replace required courses in consultation with a faculty member.
Students considering a major in German Studies are urged to begin their study of German in their first year.
German Studies majors and minors are encouraged to take coursework in cognate programs in areas such as History, Jewish Studies, Political Science, Philosophy, Art History, Film and Media Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, International and Area Studies, or International Economics and Business.
Cognate courses of particular interest to German Studies majors: ARTX 145 and 150 Survey of Art, HIST 254 History, Memory, and Identity in Modern Europe, HIST 256 Refugees and Migrants in Modern Europe, HIST 263 Jews in a Changing Europe, MUSC 150 and 155 Western Art Music, PHIL 208 19th-Century Philosophy, PHIL 214 Philosophy of Art, PHIL 306 Philosophy of Language, PHIL 310 Critical Social Theory, POLS 107 International Politics, POLS 270 The European Union, POLS 330 Politics of the Holocaust.
Requirements for the Minor in German Studies
Number of Units
Six units are required, not including GERM 101 and 102. No more than two of these units may be earned during study abroad. Courses from study abroad may replace required courses in consultation with a faculty member.
Required Courses
- GERM 201 Intermediate German
- GERM 203 or 204 Advanced German I or II
- GERM 301 Introduction to German Cultural Studies: Reading Texts and Contexts
- GERM 470 Contemporary German Culture
Two 400-level German Studies