Course Catalog

GERM 101 Beginning German I: The Personal World An interdisciplinary introduction to the German language with an emphasis on the personal world and developing global awareness. Through interactive communicative activities covering the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), students learn to ask and answer questions and share information about themselves, their families and friends, and their daily activities. Themes includes art, weather, climate change, and food cultures.
GERM 102 Beginning German II: The German-Speaking World Expansion of the skills acquired in GERM 101. Students build on their basic knowledge of everyday German-speaking culture (through topics such as tourism and transportation, health care, and leisure activities, interior design and daily routines, consumerism and global trade, plastics and food waste, eco-activism, childhood traditions and memories), improve their communicative competence, and develop skills needed to negotiate a variety of cultural settings. GERM-101
GERM 200 German Film One of the most revealing ways to explore the complexities of German history in the 20th and 21st centuries is through film. This course examines German cinema as a reflection of one of the most dynamic, and at times problematic, nations in the modern world. Through a deep dive into masterpieces of German cinema, we will explore the role that films have played in shaping and reflecting German cultural ideals from the early 20th century through the present. Along with gaining fluency in the basics of film analysis, students will learn to apply fundamental concepts in film theory to works from a broad range of genres, styles, and periods. No previous knowledge required. In English.
GERM 201 Intermediate German: Topics in German Culture Continued expansion of the skills acquired in GERM 101 and 102. Students further develop their ability to communicate in German and their understanding of the German-speaking world by engaging with increasingly complex topics (such as education, environmental issues, politics, history, and multiculturalism). topics such as multiculturalism in Austria; art, music, and history in Vienna, utopia and dystopia and visions of the future; linguistic change; and social justice projects. As in German 101 and 102, all four language skills are practiced, and comparisons between American and German society provide the basis for class discussions, to develop increased linguistic complexity and self-expression. GERM-102
GERM 203 Advanced German I: Germany Today This course centers around themes related to life in contemporary Germany, with special emphasis on developing students' writing skills in various genres. In a unit on current events in Germany, for example, students read and listen to news reports, practice vocabulary items and linguistic structures typical of journalistic texts, and finally compose (in multiple drafts) a newspaper article on a topic of their choice. In German. May be taken after German 204. GERM-201; GERM-203L must be taken concurrently
GERM 204 Advanced German II: German Stories and Histories This course centers around texts presented within the historical and cultural context of 20th century Germany, with special emphasis on developing students' reading skills and cultural literacy. Continued practice of linguistic structures and systematic vocabulary building are also central to the course. In German. May be taken before German 203. GERM-201; GERM-204L must be taken concurrently
GERM 239 Cold War Kids This course examines the various shapes and impacts of youth rebellion in the GDR (= East Germany) and looks at how the state reacted to these rebellions with attempts at indoctrination and control. The course examines these topics through readings, film, and music that offer a wide variety of perspectives on the topic and allow the students to develop analytic skill and improve their understanding of cultures beyond their own experience.
GERM 295 Marx and the Arts What role does art play in the struggle to combat different forms of social, economic, and racial injustice? From the moment Karl Marx wrote his first reflections on this topic, this question has continued to preoccupy philosophers and artists from different schools of the Marxist tradition. In this course, we will examine the highly contested relation between art and politics within the legacy of Marxist thought. Focusing on key artists and thinkers concerned with the revolutionary potential of art, we will continually seek to explore the relevance of historical and theoretical debates to our current historical moment.
GERM 295 Bearing Witness: Holocaust Literature & Testimony First-person accounts of the Holocaust testify to persecution and violence, and represent acts of resistance against the Nazis' attempt to destroy all signs of Jewish life and culture. Memoirs, diaries, poetry, oral histories, and literary works of Holocaust victims and survivors continue to be read across the world. In this interdisciplinary seminar, we discuss what it means to bear witness to traumatic events, and how survivors (and subsequent generations) thematize the challenges of memory. Students will learn about the historical events of the Holocaust, and will discuss the role of these powerful literary works in post-Holocaust memorialization. Sophomores only
GERM 301 Introduction to German Cultural Studies: Reading Texts in Contexts This course serves as an introduction to upper-level courses in German Cultural Studies. It stresses the central role that culture plays in fostering an understanding of German society, and it introduces students to the tools and theories of cultural analysis. Readings and genres range from literature and film to documentaries, magazine articles, blogs, cartoons, and music, and they may be focused on a single theme across a number of time periods to provide a context toward an understanding of how a particular text reflects cultural identities. In German. GERM-203 or GERM-204
GERM 430 Themes in German Literature and Culture This course examines the changing nature of German culture through a variety of texts (ranging from literature, history, and popular culture to music, architecture, and film) on a particular theme. Possible themes for the course include "Green Germany," "German-Jewish Literature and Culture," "Germany Imagines Itself: Culture and Identity in the 18th and 19th Centuries," "Holocaust Literature and Film," and "Reading Berlin." May be repeated for credit (consult with the department). In German. GERM-301
GERM 435 Minority Cultures in Germany This course focuses on Germany as a multicultural society and on related popular cultural discourse. It explores issues surrounding immigration in Germany since 1960, focusing on the period after 1990. It examines various cultural practices as staged in film, fiction, blogs, political articles, Hip Hop, television (documentaries, talk shows, sitcoms), with an emphasis on the constructions of ethnicity, nation, race, class, and gender. We analyze several political and cultural debates that dominated the media in Germany and Europe at large (e.g. the headscarf and integration debates), and read theoretical articles examining the relationship between immigration, culture, and identity. In German. Take GERM-301
GERM 440 German Diary Cultures: Adventure, Intimacy, Scandal This course explores German-language literature and culture through diaries, which have remained popular among published authors and ordinary people for centuries. Some diaries provide a record of travels, others give a more private account of self-discovery. Diaries are often social texts, to be read and shared with family and friends. We will discuss various texts: travel journals, war diaries, refugee accounts, hybrid letter-diaries, fictionalized diaries, diaries in film, and new media forms. We will consider what makes this form of first-person writing powerful, how it affects writer and reader, and issues of subjectivity and representation in autobiographical writing. Must have taken GERM-301.
GERM 460 Contemporary Graphic Novels This advanced German seminar explores topics related to 21st-century culture in the German-speaking world through the medium of graphic novels. Students learn more about the graphic medium and how to critically engage with visual art and multimedia storytelling. Course texts include contemporary graphic novels by German-language authors as well as podcasts, reviews, and theoretical and critical literature. Themes addressed include topics such as love and dating, social class, feminism, conspiracy theories, politics, art and identity. Taught in German. GERM-301
GERM 470 Contemporary German Culture This course examines a selection of topics, themes, and issues that are part of the contemporary German cultural and political landscape. These include relations between east and west Germans, efforts to reform German higher education, social challenges posed by Germany's aging populace, German immigration laws, ongoing efforts to come to terms with the history of National Socialism, and the influence of the United States on German popular culture. Students will work with a wide variety of texts that range from autobiographical and fictional works (novels and short stories), to films, film reviews, music, on-line newspaper articles, government press releases, surveys, and political cartoons. Students will acquire and practice sophisticated vocabulary, grammatical structures, and discourse markers that will allow them to comprehend and discuss these texts. Student responses will take the form of informal conversations, prepared debates, formal presentations, discussion leadership, and written essays in various genres. In German. GERM-301
GERM 490 Senior Seminar This course examines the changing nature of German culture through a variety of texts (ranging from literature, history, and popular culture to music, architecture, and film) on a particular theme. Possible themes for the course include "Green Germany," "German-Jewish Literature and Culture," "Germany Imagines Itself: Culture and Identity in the 18th and 19th Centuries," "Holocaust Literature and Film," and "Reading Berlin." May be repeated for credit (consult with the department). In German. GERM-301 and Senior Standing
GERM 593 Senior Integrated Project Each program or department sets its own requirements for Senior Integrated Projects done in that department, including the range of acceptable projects, the required background of students doing projects, the format of the SIP, and the expected scope and depth of projects. See the Kalamazoo Curriculum -> Senior Integrated Project section of the Academic Catalog for more details. Permission of department and SIP supervisor required.
GERM 600 Teaching Assistantship