Each spring we host a research symposium to highlight the work of our students. Below you can explore previous topics.

Previous SIPs in German Studies
Trevor Maylath-Bryant, “The Rise and Potential Fall of Fridays for Future: Environmentalism in Germany and the Role of Youth Movements, 1980-2023”
Ben Flotemersch, “Meeting in the Middle: Using Abbas Khider’s German for Everyone as a Lens into the Accessibility of the German Language”
Christian Zeitvogel, “Lost in Translation: A Reflection on Translation Pedagogy through Personal Experience at Erlangen’s City Museum”
Sean Gates, “Ernst Lubitsch: Film Star of the Weimar Republic”
Ellie Lotterman: “The Woman Behind the Manipulation: An Analysis of Leni Riefenstahl’s Films The Blue Light and Triumph of the Will“
- Grace Stier, “Midwifery Past and Present in Germany and the United States”
- Meredith Kahan, “Khider and Otoo: Identity and Belonging in Germany”
- Ben So, “Transportation Sustainability: How Germans are Biking Toward a Green Future”
- Jocelyn Penaloza, “Jocelyn’s Podcast: A Discussion about Animal Shelters in the U.S. and Germany”
- Keelin McManus, “Forging Identity through Music: A Study of German Rappers of Migrant Descent”
Annarosa Whitman, “Sausages with Lion Mustard and Heinz Ketchup: The Navigation of a German-American Identity”
Matthew Flotemersch, “Mass Media, Distraction and Boredom: Opium for the Masses in the Modern Age “
Madison Campbell, “Reclaiming Stasi Objects: The Stories of Jürgen Fuchs, Ulrike Poppe and Mario Röllig”
Michael O’Sullivan, “Stewards of the Forest”
Sarah Gerendasy, “The Verses that defied the Nazis: Poetry from Concentration and Death Camps”
Bruno Quirino Pereira, “Renewable Mobility in Germany: The Transformation of the Energy Economy and the Automobile Market”
Bailey Smith, Controversy and Strife. The Development of West German Historiography from 1946-1986
Shelby Hopper, The Effect of Post-appeals on Facebook User Interactions in German Automotive Companies
Taylor Johnson, The Effectiveness of German Policies in Response to the European Refugee Crisis
William Tait, An Excavation at Walter Benjamin’s “Ausgraben und Erinnern”
Annie Nielsen, German-American Sister Cities: Historical and Organizational Trends
Brittany Trombino, A Closer Look at the German Forest-Kindergarten: The Preschool for Children with a Passion for Nature
Sapana Gupta, The Role of Women in Germany: An Analysis of the Sociological and Historical Development of the German Image of Woman
Annalise Robinson, The Integration of Migrant and Refugee Schoolchildren into the German and U.S. Education Systems with a Closer Examination of Transitional Classes